Manou's story is really unique, she was born in Divo in 1972, she grew up living in a village raised by her grandmother, as you know music leads our lives and gives us courage and strength..very early on Manou was attracted to drums and one
day at a funeral when none of the musicians were available she went abt her business and started making magic happen on the drums

Everyone was astounished at the audacity and the expertise of this little girl,thus started Manou's career.. i know it sounds like a fairy tale but it isn't , it's her reality..
During her teens she entered talents shows that she won and entered as a musician the famous Ivory Coast band Woya , when they disambled she was noticed by the tour manager of ZAP MAMA who convinced her to follow him into cold Bruxelles...there she felt right at home and practiced the bass, the drums, danced and sang...

Throughout the years she went on to play with other bands while focusing as well on her solo projects, she's a fav of European festivals ..
Here's her webbie:
You can see her live here:
Djaa my sisters from Ivory Coast sont dedans aussi:)
Eyeee Wayyee:)
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