Interview time, as soon as I saw the pictures of this young lady I wanted to hear more about her , and discover what she was all about...
She's in her early twenties half Ghanaain and Nigerian, a student and a model..therefore has a lot to share...I'm always amazed by the drive and the sense of direction that these young African women have nowadays...so sit back discover Aminat in her own words!!!!

1- Who is Aminat?
Aminat Odunbaku is a young Ghanaian/Nigerian model currently attending college at the university of Texas in San Antonio, born in Houston, Tx, she grew up in Accra, Ghana, where her mother is from while his father is from Lagos Nigeria, along with her 2 siblings, also practicing the religion of Islam.
Aminat has numerous fun personalities used to express herself o
n camera. Being the middle child, she doesn’t mind craving attention and loves every single bit of what life has to offer good and bad.

2-How do u find your place in the world as 1 young African woman?
My place is the world as an African woman, is very stable. I do have various up and downs being who I am an what I am trying to conquer, but I view it as a learning process. Just having my mother coaching me though everything is fine.
3-How long ago did u leave Ghana? what's ur fondest memory about your land?
I left Ghana 8 years ago, like I said I was born in Houston, and my mother thought we needed to learn more about our culture she flew all 3 of us to Ghana and we live there from 1995- 2000. The foundest memory of Ghana was being in my aunties 3 story manchine, living with 12 of my first cousins and us just hanging out at dinner, making jokes laughing dancing at a huge party I had before I came back to Houston

4-What would fulfil u in life?
Things that would fufill me in life would be to be signed as a full time model, also having my family around sharing my hapiness, because I feel they’ll never let me down no matter what. I would also want to be a role model for the young crowd we have growing up today.
5-u're going to college for what? what are ur aspirations after college?
I am going to college majoring in Communication with a public relation concentration. After college I would like to focus more on modeling/ acting because that is what I really want to do with my life, I feel that school is just a back up plan because the entertainment industry is never guaranteed to anyone.
6-why are u into modeling? what does it bring you?
Who are ur fav'african models? Are u going to casting? Have u ever worked w/african fashion designers , would u be willing to work w/them? who's ur fav' african designer?
Who are ur fav'african models? Are u going to casting? Have u ever worked w/african fashion designers , would u be willing to work w/them? who's ur fav' african designer?
I am into modeling, not because of my ethnis looks, but because it is a way of expressing emotions through a picture. I have numerous personalities, so it is very easy for me to get into a different mode on whatever the setting is, and it’s also amazing to see the different projects that are offered. I could not see myself doing anything else. Modeling brings me happiness, it intrigues me. The industry is very completive and shady and I love to challenge myself. My favorite African models are Iman and Alek Wek. I am definitely loo
king to be signed, it’s really hard because agents have a certain look that they are going for, so you need patience to wait your turn, for them to like you. I go to castings all the time. I can’t do as many as I want because I am in school now, I’m also in Tx. where there really isn’t a huge market for fashion or any modeling like there is in cities like NY, or LA. Currently I have never worked with any African designers, I look forward to doing it though. It will be very exciting to be able to represent the clothing of my own people, and support what they are doing as well.

7-What's faith to u?
Faith to me is never giving up. It’s the belief that what you want to happen in your life it’ll will come if you have faith, and also patience.
8-I remember being 21 and being a bit lost, how's being 21 ,as a young african woman in an american college, do u feel like u have to put part of ur identity aside ?

Wow, good question, being 21 is a hand full of experience. Its like being a new born and learning from scratch, but this time with real life social experiences. It’s receiving and losing certain values in life but the things lost is for a good purpose only, and what you receive has to be kept properly, or you’ll regret. Being in college as a young African woman in San Antonio, Texas is coming along smoothly, I just transferred to a new school, so I really don’t have any friends, or at least that many , but I just try and focus on my classes. I feel like I have to put part of my identity aside, I cant go to school bragging about how I model, only if they find out on their own or if they ask me personally. I feel like if I show everyone what I do they’d look at me aside from who I am.

9-Africa is the future because...
Africa is the future to me because its where everything started. If you are looking for culture the main place to go is Africa, yes, back when I was younger I got made fun of because I was African, but now seeing all the great things happening I could never claim anywhere else. It’s as black as you want, as free as you want and the place to be.
10-What do u know for sure in life?
I know for sure in life that patience is a virtue, it links up with everything, without it you could never survive, also I know that life is a learning process, and everything happens for a reason. My family is also not going anywhere with the decision I make.
Well I knew an upcoming photographer, Owen Junior (Nigerian) which wanted to shoot me for the longest, so he came up with the idea of using a colorful scarf and me just playing with it, but I came up with the idea since I am Muslim why not portray an African muslim, since today people are now trying to understand what Islam really is, so I pretty much define it in my pictures!
Thank you Miss Aminat, wishing you greater success sista:)
Eyeee Wayee:)
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