Chick is fierce

Yanda w/her 2 men

She reminds me of J Blidge on this 1

Jean dress done right
"We have to spend time getting to know ourselves - ourself worth & how far our confidence can take us. I'm constantly looking for opportunities to grow, to learn, to give, to share, to empower and to be empowered. What are you doing? Never find yourself sitting back and pointing fingers at others; that's the lower level of action! BE PART OF THE MOVERS & SHAKERS.
Most people assume that they have to down play their unique abilities and special talents because someone out there is better than them. What they forget is, 'There will always be someone smarter, younger, more beautiful, and more talented out there; all you need to do is to focus on developing and celebrating your own skills!' There will always be something bigger, faster and more advanced than what you have or know - Enjoy, appreciate, celebrate and make the most of what you have! "
I was already impressed by her fruitful career as an acclaimed
South African me
dia executive, she is credited for the brilliant makeover of the number 1 South African channel SABC1, not content to just being the first black Miss Global South Africa in 2005, this uber-chic fashionista is also THE face of

red carpets in SA, she's interviewed all A list -South African celebs,even appeared in the Steve Harvey radio show, owns her own marketing/management company..this married mother of 1 is def' a hard worker..
I love how "our South African blondie" shows on her webbie that everything didn't just come to her, she had to want it, and work hard to get to where she is today...She reminded me of Isha Sesay when she recalls on her webbie an accident that happened to her when she was 11..she almost her life..she was still very young but that incident forced her to look at her own mortality and the fragility of life ..since then she's decided to conquer the world and that she
's doing...

She's currently doin a reality show a la "Dancing w/the Stars"where she's having a blast...
Here's her webbie:
Djaa my South African Women are more fiyaaa:)
Eyeee Wayeee:)
What an amazing woman! I'm truly inspired:-) She redefines beauty with a purpose!!!
I agree, very inspiring indeed:-)
Very inspiring indeed! What an amazing soul - she redifines the meaning of beauty with a purpose!!!
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