Her name is synonym of strenght , courage & hope for young
Burundian children born w/HIV .
Jeanne herself has been living w/the virus for more than 20 years now, she's lost her first husband, her sister and her baby boy of 18 months to AIDS...

Some people would have been so emotionally bruised that they would have waited for their death, but not Jeanne she took her destiny in her hands and decided to publicly speak about this taboo plague in Africa...
She regrets that when she was pregnant , Burundian doctors didn't suggest the use of antiretroviral medecine...but is hoping that now African children living w/AIDS will be rip the benefits of these treatments...It's an every day combat for her from meeting sick children in the hospitals, to meeting UN officials..ect...
I admire for using her strenght , and her voice to get the message across....hopefully by her mobilizing funds and people..we'll be able to save more children who don't deserve to die ....
Djaa my Burundian Women are Strong:)
Eyeee Wayee:)
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