This 1
is for u Rootslady from the Comoros Islands who left me a msg asking what about my people from the Comoros Islands*..there u go sista :)

Nawal's story smells as good as her native Island. She's a descendant from the Grand Sufi El-Maarouf (i'm gonna have 2 find out more 'bout him ) and was born in a Sufi family. Thus the "sufiprints" in her mainly accoustic music. Being a musician wasn't difficutl for her family to accept since she was born in a musically inclined family.
Nawal plays tree instruments, a Comores banjo instrument called " gambusi ",the "daf" , an Iranian instrument and the guitar, she sings in french, arabic and Comoran...

Her music is said to be uplifting, sincere and spiritual, sounds good 2 me!!

Her last album is called Aman and was noted as 1 of the most notable world music CD of 2007
Here's her webbie:
Of course a video clip:
Djaa my ladies from the Comores Islands are more fiyaa:)
Eyee Wayee:)
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