g crept upon me and surprised me, then I discovered that I loved the process and art of writing. It came by degrees, through my fingers to my body.... I wanted to be a writer and could answer at airports and immigration points and borders that I was a writer."

....Yep she's just my kind of woman, serious, talented, passionate and about the development of our continent.
Even though she's no longer among us, Yvone's work is still very much so alive and there for us to continue. Throughout her books she taked about women's conditions in a Zimbabwe that was going through its post-colonialism transition...Yvone's view to me is quite interesting, in the sense that she was awake enough to have witnessed Zimbabwea's own sons fight for their independence,young enough but mature still to realise that a lot of efforts were needed to give Women ..non let me rephase this allow women to enjoy their God -given rights...
After a productive stay in Canada , where she studied and taught and also fell deeply in love w/the word of Art galleries ( I am starting to feel the same) a now married Yvone and more than ever convinced that Africa needed all its strenght decided to move back.
While holding the title of director of the National Art Gallery of Zimbabwea..she also wrote many novels among them : Nehanda, Without a Name,Butterfly Burning and her last one that she wrote before flying to Heaven
"The Stone Virgins"...

A small fact that I read about her and that left a lasting impression on me is that she chose to sing a small local edition company...what's interesting is that some critics say that this is probably why she never gained enough international recognition...but u know what I feel her*
Anyways If u would like to buy any of her books ,go to :
Djaa my women from Zimbabwe are unstoppable:)
Eyeee Waye:)
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