song"The Electric Slide"

Dr Mo Ibrahim

I cannot tell y'all how happy and excited I was when I saw the new Vanity Fair issue..I mean the entire magazine is devoted to Africa...ahhh...I
was and I'm still so damn happy (yes I trully love magazines ..trully do..lol)
Bono was given the chance to be the guest editor of this issue, and yeah he deserves it , his enthusiasm, his ongoing campaign to help us African Nations is gracefully humbling, for an Irish man to make his lifelong objective helping us is trull inspirational...
And they did a wonderful job, I urged all of u guys who have access to it, to buy this issue, I'll keep mine for years 2 come..it's excellent
From saluting the African Movie Heroes, to portait of Nelson Mandela, feautures of upcoming writters such as Chamamanda N, to Liya Kebede w/her looks and her charity work, to a beautiful trip to Mali w/musical selection by Youssou N....
Another thang that made me happy is that a lot of people that I feautured on my blog like Dr Mo Ibrahim, Angelique Kidjo, Dr Ngozi...were featured..it trully made me proud of my work...
Anywhoo here's the official webbie:
This is so cool. I will get me a copy. Cant wait!!!
I am going to get a copy of this magazine. I heard a while ago that Lila Kabede was supose to get a cover. OH well, she is on the cover of Spainsh Vogue(its only 5.50).
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