Standing up against poverty

You w/Bush,Bono & Bob.G

Laye Wade en seance d'explications avec the German Chancelor

As everybody knows the G8 met in Germany this year to discuss various issues (nuclear tests, K, among them the need to greatly help the African Continent...
I think that it's becoming a mundain talk, in some ways it's sad 2 me 2 see other nations discussing ways to help us...it's humbling, it's needed but nevertheless it's humbling...
Bono, the senegalese singer Youssou N'dour and Irish musican and activist Bob.G.,were there to remind the big powers of the world that we have still yet 2 see any concrete help..Gotta give it to Bono, he's def' devoted to the African Cause....
Well according to BBC, the G8 has finaly agreed on $60 billions...BRAVO the G8..now show us the bejamins..
On 1 more serious note, our African Nations and Leaders need to really allocate these funds wisely, we have a lot of work to do for our continent...and IT'S BEEN TIME!!
Here's the article:
Djaa our Galsen Brothas never forget that they have 1 duty towards us:)
Eyeeee Wayeee:)
1 comment:
I am against the G8 ( cf one of my posts on them on my blog on Africa). But I love what Bono's been doing these past years to eradicate poverty in the world. This is an excerpt from one of his speeches:
'There is a continent — Africa — being consumed by flames. When the history books are written, our age will be remembered for three things: the war on terror, the digital revolution, and what we did — or did not to — to put the fire out in Africa."
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