Unity Dow

focuses on female abuse by males in a traditional male dominated-botswana's society
......And that's not all ..she's and activist, and a writter w/4 novels under her belt on which she focuses on women issues, the growth and consequences of AIDS in Botswana....
I'm always...always amazed by women who can multitask and do it really well too...I always wonder how do they do it?but maybe that's the key, they just do it....
Unity Dow comes from modest origins, she went on to study law and became years later a lawyer. She will be remenbered for helping restore the right of Bushmen to return to their ancestral lands, and also help instaure the law that would allow children born of mixed unions to be recognized as botswana's own...
She also co-founded a non profit organization called the "Women and Law in Southern Africa Research Project".
Djahaa Botswana's sistars are doin the damn thang 2 :)
Eyee Wayeee:)
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