His book "May Allah Bless France"

Love this man..he's the real deal!!

Yepp..Abd Al Malik tu as raison..

I always say that it takes a real man to be able to express his feelings
with / against his fear of ridicule..that may be 1 of the reasons why I am feelin Mr Malik...!!
Just 2 see him stroll around in his own singular style on stage, almost shaking ...feeling the depth of his lyrics, not caring wheter or not he's moving like 1 Snoop or whoever else...
It's him , his mike, and his lyrics...
it's safe to say that Abd Al Malik is before all a POET...his flow is slower than the regular MC but goes hand in hand w/the music...dude is deep period!!
He was born in Paris 32 years ago of Congolese parents...of family life he knows the regular , he was raised by a single mumsey w/his 6 other sibblings..
Of his life as a teenager french immigrant he learned quickly to husstle on the streets of Paris, but he also invested himself at @ an extreme level in the Christian faith....
As a student , he was x-tremely bright; he went on to study Philosophy and English Litterature @ the University of Strasbourg, no wonder why his texts are so deep today...
Education is important people!!!
It's not clear to me as when he discovered Islam in particular Soufisme but anywhoo in the early nineties he will convert to soufisme and being the passionate person that he is, he will give his whole to the religion, in 1999 he will become the discipline to the Maroccan Spiritual Minister Sidi Hamza Al Qadiri Boutchichi....
Abd Al Malik is not only a rap artist, a poet, he' s also a writter...well yes u kinda have 2 be to be able 2 do all these things, he wrote a book called: "qu'Allah Benisse la France" in 2004 as well as an album called "Le Face a Face des Couers"
His last album is called "Gibraltar" and won critical acclaim as well as awards .
For those of u living in France he'll be performing at l'Olympia on October 2nd 07.
Check out his webbie:
Check out his webbie:
His webbie is great and what I found interesting is that he also talked about his fav' books, cds...great thinker this man!!
Here's him performing at an Award Show:
Here's his video for Soldat de plomb:
Love me a Man with 1 Brain!!!
Djaa my African Brothas are Sexy within their depth:)
Eyee Wayee:)
I will read some more about him. I love poets and spirituality! Hope to learn some more!
yeah fa..he's quite an interesting brotha:)
yeah fa..he's quite an interesting brotha:)
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