Malek Chebel

Dictionnare Amoureux de l'Islam
Waouh ok!!... you trully have 2 know your material and be fierce to write a book called "Dictionnaire Amoureux de l'Islam" ...
Suprisingly enough besided his thought-challeging analysis, he's well respected in Arabic countries that are usually very defensive when it comes down to religion. Chaleb is a Muslim/ Algerian psychoanalyst, anthropologist who's written couple books encouraging a more liberal view of Islam.
Alarted by the negative attention that Islamic community received after Sept 11th , Chaleb called through his books for a better understanding of the religion first of all by Muslims themselves then by Westerners who don't really understand what the Islamic faith is based on.
He called his vision of Islam "L'Islam des Lumieres", an Islam that's less rigid, less strict....
He quotes the Prophet Muhamad who said" On m’a fait aimer en ce bas-monde trois choses : les parfums, les femmes et la prière, qui reste la plus importante à mes yeux » (that he basically loved three things on earth, good smell, women, and prayer...don't quote me on that I'm just stating Chabel's opinions)....
Anywhoo..very interesting , very detailed, the man wrote more than 20 books on the matter....
For those of you who speak french, here's an interview of him :
Djaa les Algeriens sont dans le chaud aussi:)
Eyee Wayeee:)
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