Def' have to be confident to pull that look!

Sweaty night in Havana .. or New Orleans...!!

Touch of white...sandales...ok!!!
Yes I'll say it our African men are IT.....period!
You've probably seen him # videos (JLO, Destiny's Child, Mr Vegas...) and in various fashion spreads ....
The boy is def blessed and seems humble...!
But ladies , ce n'est plus 1 coeur a prendre..so look but don't hope (it ain't happening...mmm!!)
Once I know more about him,(I'm sure there's more 2 him than his physical appearance...not that there's anything wrong w/that)
I'll be sure to put you in the known....
Parole de Ba:)
Djaa les Senegalais sont thioff ...point a la ligne:)
Eyee Wayee:)
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