Anyways you can find all albums on Virgin for the most part.
Also the prices listed are the on-line prices. I've used this before and it's great and I receive my cds quite quickly...
I'll add more as time goes...
Djaa African Music is MORE FIYA:)
Eyee Wayeee:)
Zouk 2006, 9.99 Euros

ABD al Malik, congolese rap artist de son etat , 9.99 euros (found him Passyna:)

Leslie, 9.99 Euros (the Queen of French R&B)

Soul Zouk, 14.99 Euros

Rai & R& B Forever, 9.99 Euros (arabic grooves +R&B)

Ismael Lo last album , 9.99 euros (il a pris 1 coup de vieux qd meme)

One of the most popular west african bands that people of all nationalites love without knowing (ah premier gaou ...) love this album 9.99 euros

Last cb by Cesaria E. $9.99

New Mory Kante (Mr 9.99 euros

Lura, 9.99 euros

Perle Lama , 9.99 euros (la go est sexy hun.)

Ketekuba, new LP by Africando $9.99..I can't tell u how proud i am when i go to a spanish club and they're playing Africando...tchi kanam my people
For the salsa lovers.African stylo, $16.99
I see u wining up on the $9.99
Salif Keita, $16.99
Meiway, $5 online for the next week
Afrobeat, $28.98 ...I never really got into afrobeat..but here it is for some of y'all
West African Beats, &12.97
Mauriania Sounds, $13.98
African Chill,$15.98
Pure North Africa: A Selection of North African Essentials , $15,98


Afroevolution , $26.21 ..hip hop compil..dont sleep on these compils sometimes they have the best tracks

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