This girl most certainly has guuuuuuuts!
She’s most remembered for her heated debate with the very but I insist on the veryyyyy annoying French cultural critique Zemmour. In his opinion, based on the statistics,most crimes are carried out by Blacks and Arabs therefore it makes sense that these two important minority groups are forced to show their ID’s to the police on queue whether or not they are French born citizens.
The message of Rokhaya Diallo is simple and should answer that question, French Caucasian people should accept minorities that were born and are living in France as regular French citizens with the same rights as the white ones. She considers herself to be as French as any Caucasian urban or rural woman. Being that she’s lived there all her life, attended the same schools as any white French kid she doesn’t consider herself any different.
Racism doesn’t limit itself to Black & White relationships in her opinion; it could be gender based or discrimination against Muslim women who chose to wear the burka in France for example.
This 32 years old woman founded her association called Les Indivisibles which goal is to educate and fight against racism as a whole through humor and education.
This TV and Radio personality created trough her association the annual award show “Y’A BONS” which points the finger at and makes fun of the most famous racists people in France . Some of the black celebrities who are present and support during the awards are Aissa Maiga, Lilian Thuram,Audrey Pulvar among others.
Rokhaya was handpicked to participate in a diversity program which took place in the USA. On her personal blog, Rokhaya shares her thoughts regarding diversity in America and her various ideas on racism and ways to fight against it.
Catch if you speak French an interesting interview with Rokhaya Diallo, HERE
Here's her blog address: ww.rokhaya.blog.canalplus.fr
Her association's site is :www.lesindivisibles.fr
Eyeee Wayee:)
*Pics displayed on this article are not my properties
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