The talented Tania Ben Mahmoud

Love me a sharp , funky & serious woman about her career like Tania Ben Mahmoud.
This 30 years old young woman is an architect for Christian Dior , yep! so when you visit some CD stores and you find the place lavish , well know that a North African sista may be the woman behind the beautiful store decor.
Tania has also worked as an architect for some of Marc Jacobs' stores in Madrid, London and Paris. This proud Tunisian woman has also lended her talent to Air France for whom she created a beautiful business lounge for their Paris location, among other things she's worked with the restaurant Lustre Baccarat in Monaco and many other luxurious locations.
This phenomenal woman has a project that is dear to her in her home-country of Tunisa. In the south of Tunisia there's a beautiful palm grove in the region of Tozeur which shelter over a million of palm tress, her dream would be to create a beautiful hotel resort there using and honoring the nomadic lifestyle tools, with recycling and solar systems among other things.
Not only is she busy with her urban career in the biggest metropoles of the world but she's already thinking about ways to give back and inovate in her country..got 2 respect a woman with plans:)
Djaa my Tunisian women sont dedans:)
Eyeee Wayeee:)
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