My crew& my mother present , supporting me on my presentation day during
the Networking Event! love u guys:)
the Networking Event! love u guys:)


Miss Dielle Ndiayes a beautiful Senegalese accessories designer
who was kind enough to send over pictures (more abt her soon soon)

Tinee is a talented fashion designer who joined the progam in order
to learn how to become a better business entrepreneur
to learn how to become a better business entrepreneur

We've shared so many good moments with each other, became friends..
it was a def' a beautiful human experience:)

Miss Ndeye Marie Keita, la plus jolie and talented blogger:)

I became really good friends with this young lady, Mame Bana Badji
a beautiful writer (more abt her soon soon)

she always had a different style each week:)

Charlotte Seck a beautiful Senegalese writer who also was kind enough to send a pic
(more abt her soon)

Saran & Sarata , 2 Guinean twin sisters and founders of Guinee Espoir,
an ONG that helps the needy in Guinea:)

Miss Teclaire at theNetworking Event, this sista and I keep keep bumping into each other at most culural events lol.

Miss MJ (not gonna say anything bt this awesome sista u'll discover more bt her soon)

Jimtan Dackoy a beautiful Writer & I during the Creative Enterprise Training
(ouhhhh my cheeks were huge mmmm lol)
So my people got a lot of explaining to do lol
I was part of a training program called "Creative Enterprise" sponsored by the British Council, Dakar Senegal.
This is the first edition in a francophone African country, and I hope that in the near future it will spread in other African countries because it's the bomb.
I had heard of it through "le Solei"l, a Senegalese newspaper and check this I send out my application at the last minute no not minute but second , at midnigt , was accepted a few weeks later didn't know what 2 expect but was def' excited.
Let me just say that it was a beautiful experience, meeting , learning with 52 students of different backgrounds , evolving in different artistic worlds..it was just a gift from God.
During the program, professors and professionals gave us adviced on how to mix business and our passions, a lot of time artistic people don't know or are not even interested in the business side of things unfortunately..
Honestly I learned a whole lot about the direction I would like take this blog.I asked myself important questions that I hadn't in the past. During the training some more experienced creative entrepeneurs shared lessons they had 2 learn the hard away.
The most important thing I learned had 2 do with legal rights and oh boy I left the class thinking waouh I got 2 be careful with that aspect of things.
Some of my classmated are writers, scriptwriters, paintets, artisans, clothe designers, photographers, dancers, musicians, videographers,talent managers so youuuu know that I was in my element.
First day of class I was like "Oh My God I want 2 write an article abt u , u and u oh and u lol"
and we all embraced each other witk kindness, if one of us had an event if we could make it we would go support or we would spread the word.
It felt like a real family, we all agreed that it's difficult in our African society 2 be accepted as an artist, so when we would meet under the CE Program it was "the no judgement zone" as Mo'nique would say (Yes I'm watching)
If you read my blog last week, you probably have seen the post abt "fabulafrican pictures", let me explain.
A few of us were chosen 2 explain our future projects using the Pecha Kucha format (20 seconds/20 slides) . The networking event went well, we got 2 learn 2 explain our vision 2 over 200 strangers in 6ms 46 seconds.
I'm glad I got 2 do it even though I was so nervous up to the last second, I would like to thank my mother, family and friends who supported me.
The fabulafricanas among you who sent me pictures and those who send me words of encouragement.
To all the students I met during that program, thank u for the love, the friendship, the support, the advices, the humanity and inspiration.
Love u guys:)
Big up to Professor Katharina Kane (u were the bomb)
I would def' encourage anyone to participate to that program in the future,
Learn more, HERE
Les boucles d'oreilles (carte afrique) de la créatrice sont SUBLIME, ou pouvons nous les trouver??
simply amaaaazing!! Quelle experience si emouvante!
Good for you! Meant to send in my fabulafricana picture, meant to come to the networking event, but.....:-)
Anywho, congrats and best of luck in the next steps you will be taking (whatever they may be!)
J'ai adoré toutes les photos!!!Bravo Yaye
Waaw Waaw. Inshallah, dem naa dakar en Juillet. I would love to get together!
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