Just in case you forgot about the fashion hizzy of Lalesso, here's a reminder and for those of you who my have never heard abt this fashion house ....there it is...
Lalesso was started by two college friends, Olivia and Alice who met while studying in Jo'Burg.
Their line is very feminine, with a lot of african prints on a traditional african cloth called lesso, both creators are proud to say that they respect ethical rights of their tailors, pay them above minimum wage, in fact on their webbie they say that on every item sold within the 2009 collection , 5 Pounds will be given to the family of Mama Eliza, one of their first tailors that pased away.
Lelasso also carries beachware, bikinis, shorts ect....
What I like abt this company is that they improve the lives of Kenyan by providing work...thus improving the economy, they are an eco-conscious company ...
Here's theie webbie:
You can also see part of the line at the Cape Town Fashion Week 2008, HERE
Djaaa Kenya is in the hizzy:)
Eyee Wayeee:)
j'aime beaucoup leur tenue, ces tissus africains et l'esprit de la marque! je file visiter leur site :)
wooowww, i love these designs...
but it disturbs me that this line was developed by 'white' Africans... don't know why??!! (maybe its my prejudice)
@ anonymous 7.40am - I totally agree! And it's not prejudice - Lessos have been in existence forever, and this blog has even featured a duo (dorothy duncan) who had even more innovative designs than this. It's like the Lesso fashions which were featured in New York Times during spring fashion week earlier this year...again lesso fabric "discovered" by a white man who happened to have made the trek to Lamu.
or maybe it's my prejudice..haha!
They dont have anything on theyre site. But I saw it on myasho.com!
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