It's past 5 AM here in Dakar Senegal but I just didn't wanna miss on this
historical moment which should touch all of our lives....
American citizens or not. This is the first time in the history of a country where black people have been discriminated for so long,
their pride walked on ,
their confidence in themselves and ourselves tried countless of times, this is one of the first time that African Americans and the rest of the world can actually truly say AMERICA LAND OF THE FREE...
I sat in my living room wondering if he would be able to not let this momentum moment not own him rather him owning this moment...and I was proud ...we were all proud
Never has this man look so beautiful in my eyes than tonight, through his grace, I can tell that he's not in this for the fame rather because He trully believes in his mission
His speech resonated and matched the intensity of his gaze, tomorrow is another day and he knows it'll not be easy but everything in him screamed Bring it on..
.we will work as as one....
Man I tell you, God chooses the right persons for the right mission at the right time...this shows people that we people of ebene chococal color can be taken seriously as World leaders, that one of the most powerful nations can say we believe in our president white or black... The image Im left is actually the one that's illustrating the article, after both VP and President's families came on stage, Obama stayed to say goodbye ...while he did that Michelle waited..that moment made me cry..because she was throughout this campaign the symbol of a real wife, a real woman,who stood by her man, knew when to be there for him, knew to wait in his shadow, knew how to be proud to be a beautiful educated black woman who's not afraid of her own strength..I Could go on... These 2 showed the world that nice people don't always finish last...:) I'm inspired... This victory is the world's victory yours, mine, his grandma in Hawai, his grandma in Kenya, people in poor parts of the world who have ideals , great ideas for their countries... Rise my people, we can do it:) Eyeee Wayee:)
historical moment which should touch all of our lives....
American citizens or not. This is the first time in the history of a country where black people have been discriminated for so long,
their pride walked on ,
their confidence in themselves and ourselves tried countless of times, this is one of the first time that African Americans and the rest of the world can actually truly say AMERICA LAND OF THE FREE...
I sat in my living room wondering if he would be able to not let this momentum moment not own him rather him owning this moment...and I was proud ...we were all proud
Never has this man look so beautiful in my eyes than tonight, through his grace, I can tell that he's not in this for the fame rather because He trully believes in his mission
His speech resonated and matched the intensity of his gaze, tomorrow is another day and he knows it'll not be easy but everything in him screamed Bring it on..
.we will work as as one....
Man I tell you, God chooses the right persons for the right mission at the right time...this shows people that we people of ebene chococal color can be taken seriously as World leaders, that one of the most powerful nations can say we believe in our president white or black... The image Im left is actually the one that's illustrating the article, after both VP and President's families came on stage, Obama stayed to say goodbye ...while he did that Michelle waited..that moment made me cry..because she was throughout this campaign the symbol of a real wife, a real woman,who stood by her man, knew when to be there for him, knew to wait in his shadow, knew how to be proud to be a beautiful educated black woman who's not afraid of her own strength..I Could go on... These 2 showed the world that nice people don't always finish last...:) I'm inspired... This victory is the world's victory yours, mine, his grandma in Hawai, his grandma in Kenya, people in poor parts of the world who have ideals , great ideas for their countries... Rise my people, we can do it:) Eyeee Wayee:)
Beautiful!! Well said!
Yes we did! But the road doesnt stop there...but we have faith. Africa is in the spotlight!
Well said! I'm still shaking my head in disbelief this morning. I didn't think America could see past some of its ugly history, but I'm glad they proved me wrong.
Anything is possible - we should all fully understand and embrace that concept.
Yes he did!!!! I'm still trying to recup from my screams and emotions lol
UN ..Be..Lie..Vable...
Still can't quite grasp it. This was huge...
and he will make us proud!
woo hoo!! We are a part of history...this is HUGE! love your blog by the way :)
Yeah ma soeur, we already talked about this but...I am still besides myself. That was by far the most empowering day of my life! Thanks Barack. Signed. Sealed. Delivered. He is OURS!!!!!!!!!!
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