So Rama Yade who is the French Secretary of State, of Senegalese for various reasons doesn't do it for me..through various interviews I find her sometimes too blunt, agressive and trying to hide a lack of experience with smartness..
ok to her defense she's fairly young early thirties she's of African origins in a foreigner country, the President that she supports is not a fav' of minorities..all of this make her job quite challenging..She's quite courageous but I'm not convinced by her...
What I'm convinced abt though is the chance she has through her job to encouter HUMANITY, from kids in Congo dealing with hunger lost of their parents, World Leaders responsible for the change or non change of our economical political social global well being, to visiting expos museums honoring the death of people we lost unfortunately through holocausts, to meeting Nelson Mandela, the Daila Lama...
I mean I envy being able everyday to try change the world, make it better, to travel the world and deal with us HUMAN BEINGS..I just find the concept of her job ahhh beautiful
Now ..I don't know if besides the theory she's truly given the chance to be truly active but in my opinion being elected as secretary of states responsible of human rights should mean something...
On her official site, her current agenda reads that she's focused on fighting for adoption, she's also fighting against domestic violence and homophobia...I hope she takes her job very seriously and that she enjoys these beautiful experiences she's been given.
Here's her official site:
You can see her,here:
Djaaa my Fabulafrina sistas are really present in world politics:)
Eyee Wayeee:)
ok to her defense she's fairly young early thirties she's of African origins in a foreigner country, the President that she supports is not a fav' of minorities..all of this make her job quite challenging..She's quite courageous but I'm not convinced by her...
What I'm convinced abt though is the chance she has through her job to encouter HUMANITY, from kids in Congo dealing with hunger lost of their parents, World Leaders responsible for the change or non change of our economical political social global well being, to visiting expos museums honoring the death of people we lost unfortunately through holocausts, to meeting Nelson Mandela, the Daila Lama...
I mean I envy being able everyday to try change the world, make it better, to travel the world and deal with us HUMAN BEINGS..I just find the concept of her job ahhh beautiful
Now ..I don't know if besides the theory she's truly given the chance to be truly active but in my opinion being elected as secretary of states responsible of human rights should mean something...
On her official site, her current agenda reads that she's focused on fighting for adoption, she's also fighting against domestic violence and homophobia...I hope she takes her job very seriously and that she enjoys these beautiful experiences she's been given.
Here's her official site:
You can see her,here:
Djaaa my Fabulafrina sistas are really present in world politics:)
Eyee Wayeee:)
hadn't heard about her until now. thank you for this! you do such a great job with your blog :-)
Rama Yade is,
I mean was,
someone I admired soooo much - above average intelligent, beautiful, from a priviledged background (but I certainly never held that against her),
a delightful person (I know people who were students in the same educational establishments...) - I mean really someone to be reckoned with...
I do apologise for what I'm about to say - I mean absolutely no offense to anybody - but, in accepting to be just another of Sarkozy's bevvy of female, pretty
"puppets" she has sold her soul..!
You have to live in France (and be a minimum informed and qualified in economic and political science) to appreciate the extent to which the "dwarf"
(as he's known by the majority of French) has "used" the "minority" ladies (Rama Yade, Rachida Dati, Fadela Amara...)to serve his cause -
they have zero power of decision and the rare occasions they make a minor decision he systematically backtracks and humiliates them in public...
Hey, I'm apologise, I'm getting carried away here, I was just going to say I think she's fab. and I'm sad she sold her her soul to such a jerk..!
Please forgive my ranting...
it just gets my back up when those in power abuse the minorities and get away with it... + noone abroad knows this is going on, that's the worse part..!
P.S I ADORE your blog..!
Rama Yade is,
I mean was,
someone I admired soooo much - above average intelligent, beautiful, from a priviledged background (but I certainly never held that against her),
a delightful person (I know people who were students in the same educational establishments...) - I mean really someone to be reckoned with...
I do apologise for what I'm about to say - I mean absolutely no offense to anybody - but, in accepting to be just another of Sarkozy's bevvy of female, pretty
"puppets" she has sold her soul..!
You have to live in France (and be a minimum informed and qualified in economic and political science) to appreciate the extent to which the "dwarf"
(as he's known by the majority of French) has "used" the "minority" ladies (Rama Yade, Rachida Dati, Fadela Amara...)to serve his cause -
they have zero power of decision and the rare occasions they make a minor decision he systematically backtracks and humiliates them in public...
Hey, I'm apologise, I'm getting carried away here, I was just going to say I think she's fab. and I'm sad she sold her her soul to such a jerk..!
Please forgive my ranting...
it just gets my back up when those in power abuse the minorities and get away with it... + noone abroad knows this is going on, that's the worse part..!
P.S I ADORE your blog..!
lol! she has not sold her soul she is an opportunist, there is a big difference. Plus she is doing her patr of job quite well without big controversies. Now just because she choosed the righties doesn't mean she is a "puppet" or she looks just pretty. I am not supporting her but I let her do her job, she has managed to cross 16 months almost unscatted. She is no economist that isn't what she is there for.
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