So after Angelique Kidjo, Djimon Hounsou here's another great artist from Benin, I had heard of him but I never took the time to listen to this 34 years old married brotha. He was born in Benin and moved to Abidjan to study music at the time he was a struggling student , didn't have much mullah but was hungry for music, wanted to showcase his talent, I read this touching story of him getting up on stage in a club with no permission , people were trying to get him out of the stage but thanks to the owner who was intrigued he finished playing and u guess it by the end he got a contract..
But as any accomplished professional Lionel knew that he needed to pursue further studies to be a better musician, his first stop was @ in Paris wh
Since then , he's played with Hancok's quarter, aslo he's played on Angelique Kidjoe , Rhian Benson and Somi among so many other artists......
When I personally listened to part of his CD "Karibu", I was thinking wait a minute there's more to his guitar lines, mmm and I was right he also adds mouth percussion and singing...def ' an interesting brotha , oh and on that CD he has a song inspired by his wife called "Bennie's Tune"
Are u sold yet?:)
Here's his personal webbie:
Here's the perfect introduction of this talented brotha:
I thought this was cool, his joint performance with Somi:
Here's the webbie of the Thelonious Monk Institute of Jazz:
Djaa my brothas from Benin sont dedans aussi:)
Eyee Wayeeee:)
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