"Shoulda, coulda, and woulda won't get it done. In attacking adversity, only a positive attitude, alertness, and regrouping to basics can launch a comeback."
Pat Riley!

Kadiatou is a woman in her late thirties who had the thirst for knowledge in her blood, her father was President in Mali, her mother is an historian...
Her brother a writer..
While in high School s
he majored in Maths even though she wasn't into it really..
She went to a business school and had the chance to intern at a French Publishing house... A little bit after that experience, Kadiatou took matters in her hands and went on to NY , NY!!! ....Columbia to be exact to study journalism...
Back to France, the former publising house where she was interning, aske
d her if she could write a book on Mali....remenbering how people in America were really fond of Malian culture..w/the help of locals in Mali wrote a book called
"Le Mali des Talents" ..now the book on the way...the Publising house called back and said that they could no longer publish the book...What to do?
Simply create her own publising house "Cauris Editions" in the early years , there was no representation in Mali, but things are evolved...Bamako has its own "Cauris Editions" house... When I looked at the books they offer, the one that caught my attention right away was the one on Ali Farka Toure, w/testimonials by people who knew him best...(great idea to do this book for hardcore fans or people like me who don't really know the musician but are intrigued)
Of course , as you can imagine founding one's publising house it's not an easy thing, datelines, profits, quotas by year..these are all things Kadiatou has 2 deal this..but w/a lot of courage she stands tall...
Here's the webbie:
Speaking of Ali Farka Toure, here's a little clip : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaWvsTGkdpI
Djaa my ladies from Mali know that "Mali Puissanci Magni":)
Eyeee Wayeee:)
Her brother a writer..
While in high School s

She went to a business school and had the chance to intern at a French Publishing house... A little bit after that experience, Kadiatou took matters in her hands and went on to NY , NY!!! ....Columbia to be exact to study journalism...
Back to France, the former publising house where she was interning, aske

"Le Mali des Talents" ..now the book on the way...the Publising house called back and said that they could no longer publish the book...What to do?
Simply create her own publising house "Cauris Editions" in the early years , there was no representation in Mali, but things are evolved...Bamako has its own "Cauris Editions" house... When I looked at the books they offer, the one that caught my attention right away was the one on Ali Farka Toure, w/testimonials by people who knew him best...(great idea to do this book for hardcore fans or people like me who don't really know the musician but are intrigued)
Of course , as you can imagine founding one's publising house it's not an easy thing, datelines, profits, quotas by year..these are all things Kadiatou has 2 deal this..but w/a lot of courage she stands tall...
Cauris Editions is not just books about Mali, you can find books by African authors in general, I found this book called "Le Benin des Talents", where you can learn a bit more abt our Benenise peeps ....
Really dig it, good job Kadiatou. Here's the webbie:
Speaking of Ali Farka Toure, here's a little clip : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaWvsTGkdpI
Djaa my ladies from Mali know that "Mali Puissanci Magni":)
Eyeee Wayeee:)
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