Always impressed when I see a young sista like Mansuy who's just 22 years old dreaming big and actually doing big as well... Mansuy saw the lack of facial products for black ladies of dark skin complexion and decided to fill that need..powders, foundation, lipglosses, colorful eye shadows ect...everything a young lady btw 15 -25 may need 2 feel good about herself...
She's right now in the midst of finding retailers who may be interested in carrying her line... U probably wonder just like me, why she called her line Bling...Masury explains th
at 2 her the face is the primary jewelry in a woman's body..our bling... Anywhoo I thought it was a cool concept, wanted 2 support this bold young sista who wasn't afraid 2 dream big...
Here's the webbie: http://www.bling-cosmetiques.com
Djaaa my sistas from Ivory Coast are bold:)
Eyeee Wayeee:)
She's right now in the midst of finding retailers who may be interested in carrying her line... U probably wonder just like me, why she called her line Bling...Masury explains th

Here's the webbie: http://www.bling-cosmetiques.com
Djaaa my sistas from Ivory Coast are bold:)
Eyeee Wayeee:)
I don't really like make up but she's got me interested. looks very natural.
WOW! Je suis impressionee! Toutes mes felicitations. Je vais de ce pas regarder le site web
Je tire mon chapeau 'a Miss Ouattara. Je suis allee sur le site et les produits ont l' air pas mal.
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