Agate, Soguinan perls, ancient stones, hexagonal shapes, leather, raphia,milliard of colors, blue, pink, feminine, different, Malian pride, yes we can, work for young Dogons...these are all words that come up to my mind going through the
This beautiful natural woman, mother , sister, had the brilliant idea to use our African ressources and men ;her company hires young Dogons (a tribe in Mali) , teach them the job and offer us her imagination...
Tamacali celebrates bronze, stones, silver, gold, marry them w/beautiful colors against our skins
She's working toward having her line available in Dakar (yeah) , DC, NY & Burkina Fasso but for now u can order it via her website or if you live in those areas I cited
below..just go check it out yourself:)
Her webbie is :
Café le Baobab
95 ichijoji chikuta-cho
maison shirakawa
2001, saryo-ky
Shin bi shop
kyoto university
Café du Fleuve
Quartier du Fleuve
Bamako, Mali
Musée National du Mali
Route de Koulouba
Bamako, Mali
Indigo Galerie d’art et d’artisanat
Immeuble Gamby, place de l’OMVS, Bamako Coura,
tél. : 222 08 93
Bamako, Mali
30, rue Pastorelli, Nice
tél : 06 14 02 38 77
Princesse Yennega
rue de Reuilly 75012 Paris
Eyeee Wayeee:)
I'm loving the concept behind your blog. Keep up the fabulous work :)
That yellow necklace has my name written all over it. These are all so gorgeous. I love seeing african talent!!!
Wow! love these! Every single one of them. When I see things like that que le pays me manque!
I'm also always impressed every time I skip your blog for like a week, how much you write. All these posts are fabulous and reminds us how much we've got talent and diversity coz we tend to think in clikcs of West Afr, East, North, and South...when we're just one!
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