Go Fatoumata!

Simple, and charming

In tradional stylo

Def' in shape
Some people may have an allergic reaction 2 the word pageant (I admit I do a bit) but I think they're fun and can bring 1 sense of pride and patriotism to people who may be watching, family, friends and the beautiful ladies who participate in them.
I wanted to post about this particular contest (I like that word better..don't ask ..lol) because it was organized by 1 beautiful young Gambian woman who wanted to do som' fun, entertaining for her people...kudos to her for being under 25 and putting this whole show together.
The Mission Statement for Miss America according to Nyillan is to :
"The goal of this pageant is to choose one female who best represents the intelligence and beauty of The Gambia and crown her MISS GAMBIA USA for each year. She will have her own opinions on issues that have faced the Gambia community during her reigning year."
Oh and check the organization picks a child in Gambia whose parents don't have the means to offer an education, pay for his school tuition and other school related expenses...WAOUH!
I'm impressed Nyillan....:)
I like the sound of that..whatever the case I know how tight the Gambian community in the USA is, w/their annual homecoming , soccer games, and parties...you guys go...
The winner this year is Fatoumata Touray 1, 21 year old young woman who's working toward an Occupational Therapy Degree.She's thankful for being voted Miss Gambia in America, mostly because when she moved her in her early teens she never thought that she would be able to accomplish the things she has 2day... I say good for you.
Here's the official webbie:
Djaa my Gambian people sont dedans aussi:)
Eyee Wayee:)
1 comment:
You go Gambia!!
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