Ahh the "Lion King" I don't think that there's any Broadway play that can co
mpete that magical show...please if you are in NY (I know the show tours so u may look on ticketmaster) you have got 2 see this show..it's simply wonderful my people..the costumes are amazing the singing on point...it's so magical it takes you back to that time of great dreams...ect... Bref ...I'm glad 2 see 1 sista who's half Guinean and Nigerian be a part of this great show..German/edition..oh yeah homegirl is fluent in french, portuguese..
She's a ballerina and received in 2002 le Prix d'Excellence de l'Union des Conservatoires et Ecoles de Musique des Hauts-de-Seine..
Homegirl can play the violin, can sing, and studied a few months at Alvin Ailey...IMPRESSIVE RIGHT.
Let's go!!
1- How do u define urself as a young African Woman living in the Western World?
I'm proud to have a "double" culture. Je me sens plus enrichie et plus ouverte à la diversité du monde. Ce n'est pas tjrs facile de faire la balance de deux identités culturelles qui ns sont offertes par nos parents ainsi que le pays où ns sommes nés. C'est pr cela qu'à travers mes photos (danseuse classique d'origine africaine, coiffure africaine, haut tie & dye) je me montre que l'un vas très bien avec l'autre! Je cherche à montrer le coté positif de mon identité.
I feel more open to the word even though it's not always easy , that's why i feel the need in my profession as a ballerina and in my pics to wear my hair african stylo, wear tye die...ect..try to show the positive accent of my double identity...
2- I know that generally both the Peul and the Haussa culture are very tradional ,so how do u live that?
I love it! It gives you great input inthe direction you want your to take your life. Tradition is important but i believe it has to grow and adapt itself to the environement and generations!
3- What do u do in life?
I'm an artist. I love to create beauty and emotion in everything I do. I sing,dance,act,design.. It's all in me! But professionaly so far I work as a dancer for the Broadway Musical THE LION KING for almost 4 years. I was really proud to represent my culture with all my talents in Germany where Black
s are not welcomed and well see. Then i was on tour for 3 months for a show called BEST OF MUSICAL TOUR where you could see 18 different parts of well known musicals in Germany and Switzerland.
4- Are u a classically trained dancer?How long have u been a ballet dancer?
Yes i am! From the age 4 to 18 I was in "conservatoire" after school where i got my classical training in Ballet but also in violin,drama,theatre,music eductaion .
5-Is there much diversity dans ce domanine? do u know any african classical dancer?
In France, unfortunately not. We used to be the only black girls with my sister until she stopped. I once was discriminated because of my african shape! but i also had wonderful teachers that encouraged me in the process.www.myspace.com /malenty
6-You said that u evolve as an actress as well?Do you have any upcoming movies projects coming up?
Oui, ms je n'en discute pas jusqu'a concretisation! ms c pour bientot!
Yes but I would rather wait to talk about it
7-I've noticed that a lot of young women nowadays ate so busy between different projects, qu'est ce qui te pousse dans la vie?
D'avancer, d'évoluer vers a better future,my future! I have faith that i can achieve great things in my life. I f i don't do it now, when? No one else will do it for me
8-Have u appeared in any mags as a model?which ones?
I recently shoot for the line "SO MUCH SOUL". it's a new line for all my soul sistas with the African continent as the face of an african women with an afro and a yellow flower in it!It's GORGEOUS! I love it and the message in it "DESIGN FOR THE SISTAS WITH SO MUCH SOUL". That's what i'm talking about! It should b
e out anytime soon but in the meantime check www.myspace.com/somuchsoul
9-Quelle est la reaction 2 ta famille par raport a ta cariere?
Oh c'est ma mère grande amoureuse de la musique qui ns a mis tous (1 frère, 1 soeur) au Conservatoire dès notre plus jeune age. Son objectif était non seulement de ns ouvrir à une diversité musicale et ns donner une opportunité autre que la scolaire ms aussi de ne pas "trainer" dehors après l'école! elle ns a soutenu et meme pousser des fois pdt les périodes de l'adolescence où l'on ne sait pas trop ce qu'on veut. J'ai donc continuer et tenue jusqu'à l'obtention du Diplome Departemental Des Hauts de Seine. Ce fut ma base et aujourdhui cela me permet d'avoir un métier qui m'enchante plus que tt et je pense pr eux aussi!
10-Qd je dits lilfa tu penses?
Lilfa: Classy, strong,powerful,down to earth,beautiful,educated,dertermined african woman. She inspire me from her natural hair to her profession. And i discoverd a rare common point with her: her mother is also Hausa from Naija! In France, I haven't met a ssiter with that similarity yet! i'm so glad!
11-When i say Guinea ..
My father, my grand mother,my culture,my foulani look ;-)
12-when i say Lansane Conte?
Change will come our way..
13-When i say nigeria
My mother, my grand parents, my BIG family, a country with so much wealth and possibility but too much 419! I don't want to use JAGGA JAGGA like EEDRIS but i really understand his point of view!
14-what are the pluses of being mixed? (metisse)
Free to make it your own. To expand yourself 2 greater possibilities with the two cultureS. Take the Best out of it, make it fit your personality and environement. I believe you have to find a balance to feel confortable and know that it is a gift 2 be "metisse" and 2 a unique look!
15-quels sont tes produits africain preferes?
shea butter! can't live without it! from hair mask to feet massages, body cream,lip balm at night! * Black oshun dudu soap *Robb (Tiger baum°)
16-quel est le meilleur conseil que ta mere t'ai give?
"Rien ne vaut la constance et la régularité"
17-quel est le meilleur conseil que ton pere tai give?
Au Paradis, on n'émmene rien qui est sur cette terre"
18-what is success to u?
Joy of doing what you love the most and the passion to share it with those who you love .
19-quels sont tes ecrivains africain preferes? (fav' writers)
Kola BOOF i love her book FLESH AN THE DEVIL
20-what do u think that we african should change about ourselves?
To change the fact that we don't believe that AFRICA IS THE FUTURE
21-tu serais contente en mourrant sachant que....u would glad leaving this earth knowing that
J'ai eu une vie de reves à mon propre gout,couleurs et style et que je l'ai partagé avec ceux qui m'aiment et croient en mes reves qui sont devenus réalité et que j'ai pu inspirer d'autres ds leur chemin.
I've lived my life the way I wanted to while accomplishing my goals
22-quelle est la chose que tu ne changerais jamais en toi....What's the one thing you will never change about yourself?Mon phy
sique (corps et visage). Je suis contre la chirurgie à mon qu'elle soit réparatrice (santé, accidents. My physical appearance
23- quels sont tes designers africain preferes?
Sandy Innocent "Shana L Creations (Haut bustier sur photo) *Nkhensani Mangani "Stoned Cherrie" * Lamine pour XULY BET.
24-quel est 1 evenement politque que tu n'oublieras jamais?What'1 politcal event that you will never forget?
Le passage du FN au 2eme tour des elections présidentielles françaises en
25-quelle est 1 matiere que l'on ne nous apprend pas a l'ecole que tu aurais aimer?What's 1 subject that they don't teach academically but you wish they did?
couture! j'aime tellement la mode et si j'avais appris à utiliser une machine à coudre, faire du tricot, du crochet j'aurais déjà lancer ma ligne de vetements!ms bon j'ai appris à coudre en réparent mes collants et mes rubans de pointes donc je sais customizer mes vetements!
26-qd je dits sekouba bambino tu dits
Les plus belles chansons d'amour qu'un homme africain peut te dedicaser à une femme comme "Mes Sentiments" de Mokobé feat Sekouba Bambino
27-c'est quoi la diversite pour toi,what's diversity to you?
Le présent et le future de notre peuple
The present and future of our people
28-quels sont les qualites chez 1 homme que tu admires
pour moi l'homme que j'admire est honnete, sincère, droit, courageux, responsable, ambitieux, passioné, affectif, respectueux, ambitieux, mature et amoureux! 
29-qu'aimes tu le moins dans le metier de manequin
Pour etre mannequin c'est représenter une beauté unique qq soit la taille, le poids,la couleur donc ce coter discrimatoire qui est malheureusement très médiatiser ne me plait guère.
30-quels sont les organismes africain que tu admires le plus en france
Je ne soutien pas d'organisme en particuliers mais plutot ceux qui font briller notre peuple dans l'uniter et la beauté de notre culture donc des artistes comme MOKOBE, magazine MISS EBENE, le site ANANZIE.NET...
31-quels sont les pays africain que tu as visiter?ceux que tu aimerias visiter?
Which african countries have you visited?which ones you wish to visit someday?
Je suis déjà aller plusieurs fois au Nigeria et j'aimerais bcq aller en Guinée, en Afrique du Sud,au Senegal, au Mali..
I've been to Naija several times, but would love to go to Guinea, South Africa,Senegal , Mali
32-si on fouille dans ton sac on trouvera?If one was to look into ur bag what would they find?
Ipod, agenda, makeup bag, parfum, miel, mouchoir, bouteille d'eau
33-quelle est la chanson qui peux decrire ta vie
Amel Larrieux "ALL I GOT" is the one i will chose today but it will be in my album...Coming soon ;-)
34-fuck le...Rascim
35-la plus belle insulte/the nicest insult
"You are FIERCE!" yes indeed!
36-when do u feel 2 the sexiest?
When i dance, i sing, model, perform representing my people with my talent in every field with beauty, pride and respect!
37-de quelle religion es tu?how important is faith to u?
I grew up in a Muslim family. Spirituality has been very much part of my education. It helps me up to today to keep my faith intact. Through books (C
WG, IYANLA Vanzant), movies (The Secret), Tv shows/dvds (Oprah). It's primordial to me because it helps me to keep my head up in low times and to believe in the future despite it all with God, my Ancestors whom i stand tall on their shoulders and My Destiny.
38-Africa is the future because
she's the base of all Nations, le berceau de l'humanité. Life is a circle, what goes around comes around. We have so much to do to put Motherland back on her trone. That's where she belongs.So let's do it now!
39-Quelserait ton business ou metier de reve
To be able to live peacefully of my passion, my dreams and ambitions! To be a fullfilled Entrepreneur like Oprah and Iman.
40-Last but not last que sais tu de vrai for sure in life.../What do u know for sure in life
It's a circle so watch what u do and say!
Oh Waouh sis...great interview..great 2 see a young woman
who knows who she is and where she's going..you go lady ..keep representing us through your Artistic gifts..looking forward 2 saying 1 day..when I see u in tv ..hey i've interviewed her...lol
Djaa le mixx Guinea/Nigeria is more fiyaa:)
Eyee Wayee:)