A Lady 2 Respect Fatou Bensouda!

This pic says it all...honestly ..the hat, the outfit everything is too big for him because he should not have 2 fight grown people battles...

Fatou @ the ICC ...mm I respect you mama, we need more people like you

Powerful shoot of 1 African woman & her truth
We tend to take 2 routine of our lives for granted sometimes, & forget that some people don't even have the luxury to be faced with options..inocent children who've seen their parents murdered, raped, taken away from their parents at early ages to be faced w/continuous crimes, life of criminals, fighting for someone or smthg they may not understand..well in the name of this injustice a woman like FATOU BENSADOU decided to not watch in silence rather to denouce war criminals such as Thomas Lubanga Dyilo who's responsible in the Congo for the enrollment of 30,000 children..30,000 children...(At times, I don't get how 1 human being can have so much power over great amount of people....I just don't!)
Fatou is the deputy prosecutor of the International Criminal Court's (ICC); her goal was to get somebody like Dylo judged, and sentenced ...but mostly to bring International & Local attention to these atrocities that should NEVER HAPPEN.....
Unfortunately,Children soldiers are sometimes asked to kill members of their families just to prove their loyalty to their mission..can you picture that?!!...
Let's also remenber , the recruiting of these little angels take place in poor and hopeless areas like Congo..where people feel defeated by life...and it becomes easy to convince them that going that road would at least provide them w/shelter & food.... !!
Anywhoo if you wanna read more about Fatou B. and her mission:
Djaa it's our responsibilty as Human Beings to do all we can to not let things like this happen!!
Eyee Wayee!!
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