Married Father to three children, owner of a public relations firm "ALMERIA", you would think that Dogoui would have it over his head...but no he found the time in his busy schedule to create the networking group AFRICOGORA which reunites under its wings around 160 professionals, members of the African and Caribian community in France...
He feels that it's his way of giving back to our beloved Africa. Dogoui left his Ivoiry Coast right after high school and went on to University in Paris for studies in Medecine...but he figured out very quickly that dead bodies . blood, & long hours of study weren't for him...
He turned to what he was good at...communication thus the Public relation firm he created . Now a successful man , he felt that it was his duty to give back to his continent, and also help better the placement in the work force of minorities (you think we have it hard in America...think again!!!)
One of Afrigora's success stories, was the campaign "Voter c'est Compter"where they were trying to motivate African & the West Indies French communities to vote...
They also created an Awards Ceremony last year called :
"Les Trophees AFRICAGORA 2006"
where they rewarded the top businessmen/women of that year as well as French companies such as PSA Peugeot Citroën (mm intersting) that had a positive atititude towars minority representation...
Also for those of you in France they also have workshops for students looking to get into the workforce w/mentorship w/successful professionals.
Anywhoo, wonderful initiative which needs to be noted:
Djaa les Ivoiriens sont dans le chaud aussi:)
Eyee Wayee:)
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