Aight people back to the fabulafricana interview part of the blog, this time meet Eritrean model and journalist student, Elsabel Yemane.
I wanted to interview her because I wanted to know about the experience of an Eritrean fabulafricana . I wanted to know who she was at the heart, why she became a model, why she was inspired to be a journalist student at the same time while she could have just gone and focus on her modelling career. She's signed to Elite/South Africa and Profile Models..
Let's gooooo!!
1- How do define yourself?
I would define myself as an all around fun loving, social, caring person. I can be shy sometimes, over confident other times.. I try to adapt to people and my surroundings.
2- How long have you been modelling and how hard is it for you to pursue both your studying and your modelling?
Ive only recently took on studying and modelling at the same time. My new agency, Profile Models, are great. They've been putting me forward for a lot of jobs and I'm lucky to only be studying 3 evenings a week, therefore the two don't often collide.

3-Why did you pick journalism? how challeging is it, what year are u?what is your ultimate professional goal?
I love writing, its so easy and almost therapeutic to write and just flow everything to paper.
I definitely want to pursue a career further in the fashion industry and a Fashion Journalism course perfectly suited me. Freelance journalism for top fashion publications and online/TV documenting would be fun to work on but i actually do want to go more into the business and management sides of fashion. I'm a passionate maniac when it comes to planning and organising projects and events. Succeeding in Fashion Management & Journalism would be my ultimate goal Alongside Modelling!
4-How do define yourself as an eritrean woman and is there a huge eritrean community in england where you reside?
I've been living here in london since i was about 6 so I've very much moulded into the British culture. However, I'm lucky to go back home to an Eritrean household everyday. I live with my sisters, we speak our Eritrean language with my mum, who occasionally cooks the most delicious Eritrean food!
I think there are strong morals and values set for females in our culture, as they is for any other culture. But its refreshing to see the ladies of Asmara have a healthy balance of happiness and love of fun that compliments there manners, self respect, and respect for others.
5- For someone who's never been to your country if they were to visit where would you take them and why?
Ive only been back home to Asmara once. I'm hoping to go back again very soon. I would say it's one of those places where you can just trust where the wind takes you eventually stumble across all the different sides and characteristics, the country has to offer. After all, its not a big country!
I've been living here in london since i was about 6 so I've very much moulded into the British culture. However, I'm lucky to go back home to an Eritrean household everyday. I live with my sisters, we speak our Eritrean language with my mum, who occasionally cooks the most delicious Eritrean food!

I think there are strong morals and values set for females in our culture, as they is for any other culture. But its refreshing to see the ladies of Asmara have a healthy balance of happiness and love of fun that compliments there manners, self respect, and respect for others.
5- For someone who's never been to your country if they were to visit where would you take them and why?
Ive only been back home to Asmara once. I'm hoping to go back again very soon. I would say it's one of those places where you can just trust where the wind takes you eventually stumble across all the different sides and characteristics, the country has to offer. After all, its not a big country!
6-In your blog i feel like you are really try to empower other through postive thinking, how did u get to be so positive?
Naturally, as I'm growing up I'm learning to be more aware of my emotions and my attributes as a young woman. I cant really say i exercice positivity well, or through, but i try to. I'm aso learning my ways with others. I'd like to think I naturally have good intuition with people, feelings and emotions. Reading books like "The Power of Now" and basically learning from my ongoing exper
iences in life, have taught me to be more conscious of many things.
7-Which eritrean people that you admire you wish the rest of the world knew about?
I love a special song called "Emotions", by a European Eritrean artist, Winta ( also my sisters name). She has that lovely Aaliyah feel to her music. I hope she becomes more popoluar over here.
8-Do you feel connected to the rest of africa, for example have u visted other african countries, do you have good friends from other african countries?
I've been to Lagos ,Nigeria for new year. I spent 3months in Cape Town modelling and also saw part of Johannesburg. I kind of felt bad being in these African countries, because i felt i should of spent that time in my own country, visiting my family especially my grand- parents.
I didn't really feel connected to these countries though. They had there own culture but it was special to experience other African ways of life.
9- Where do you see yourself in the
next 5 years?
Graduated, in business and marketing, a well experienced model venturing into new paths and succeeding. Hopefully engaged and soon having a baby! :)
10-Who are some of your fav' african writers, musicians, photographers, painters ?(if any)
Wow, I'm a bit unfamiliar with the works of African artists. I visited wonderful antique stores just outside of Cape Town. I loved all the south African crafts and sculptures, but i don't really follow any one in particular.
11- What's the biggest misconception about eritrean people in your opinion?
That the country doesn't even exist! :) Most people haven't even heard of Eritrea. It's probably one of the newest countries. We only recently gained Independence from Ethiopia, through Italian colonisation. I think people just instantly see us as Ethiopians.
12- How do u get your hair to be so healthy and beautiful?

7-Which eritrean people that you admire you wish the rest of the world knew about?
I love a special song called "Emotions", by a European Eritrean artist, Winta ( also my sisters name). She has that lovely Aaliyah feel to her music. I hope she becomes more popoluar over here.
8-Do you feel connected to the rest of africa, for example have u visted other african countries, do you have good friends from other african countries?
I've been to Lagos ,Nigeria for new year. I spent 3months in Cape Town modelling and also saw part of Johannesburg. I kind of felt bad being in these African countries, because i felt i should of spent that time in my own country, visiting my family especially my grand- parents.
I didn't really feel connected to these countries though. They had there own culture but it was special to experience other African ways of life.
9- Where do you see yourself in the

Graduated, in business and marketing, a well experienced model venturing into new paths and succeeding. Hopefully engaged and soon having a baby! :)
10-Who are some of your fav' african writers, musicians, photographers, painters ?(if any)
Wow, I'm a bit unfamiliar with the works of African artists. I visited wonderful antique stores just outside of Cape Town. I loved all the south African crafts and sculptures, but i don't really follow any one in particular.
11- What's the biggest misconception about eritrean people in your opinion?
That the country doesn't even exist! :) Most people haven't even heard of Eritrea. It's probably one of the newest countries. We only recently gained Independence from Ethiopia, through Italian colonisation. I think people just instantly see us as Ethiopians.
12- How do u get your hair to be so healthy and beautiful?
I've actually just been online searching for a fabulous new lace wig. My agency have had me keep my my natural curly afro hair to shoot in for a while. I'm so used to straightenin
g my hair or having a nice weave. I'm so fed up with the funky, natural look. Aussie hair conditioning treatment is the best for softening hair. I comb it through and leave it on when i go to the steam room. Smooth hair with serum after while still wet, hair creams are a bit light and grease is too thick and clumpy!
13-What's one african political event that took place that you will never forget (besides obama's election)
I think this is where my blond hair dye really wants to come out. :) I don't follow politics either. I really should as a journalism student right?!
14-What would people be surprised to know about you?
I can be really shy sometimes. I'm a geek for TV documentaries and the discovery channel. I love organising dinner parties and i can cook!
15- How important is financial stability for you, are there some good books on the matter that help you?
Well, its as important as all your responsibilities- money probably handles all your responsibilities. Having a good job is obviously important for a secure, regular income but be happy with what you do. Start up some savings accounts. One you cant touch at all, a not so secure one for dipping into now and again and maybe another for when your saving for something particular.

16- How important is spirituality for you and what faith do you practice?
My mum is a born again Christan. I don't really go to church, I've had my moments of going for a couple months here and there. But I believe in God and i confide in him in my prayers.
17-What do u wish men knew about women?
We are emotionally more advanced. They should understand us more. And i guess we should understand them more too, as they're logically more advanced. Being a bit too fair here, sorry ladies :)
18-Are you involved in helping your eritrean community how or do u plan to and how?
I hope to start a charity one day where I will personally d
onate money to the disadvantaged people back home and even all around the world. I would personally work on organising projects to better lives.
19-Whats the nicest compliment u've ever received?
I just got a nice one, from my friend on facebook chat.''You're like my little sister, I tell everyone that''.
20-What do u know for sure in life?
Everyone is different, with different opinions and knowledge from life experiences. Try your best to be happy and make others happy in the process.

13-What's one african political event that took place that you will never forget (besides obama's election)
I think this is where my blond hair dye really wants to come out. :) I don't follow politics either. I really should as a journalism student right?!
14-What would people be surprised to know about you?
I can be really shy sometimes. I'm a geek for TV documentaries and the discovery channel. I love organising dinner parties and i can cook!
15- How important is financial stability for you, are there some good books on the matter that help you?
Well, its as important as all your responsibilities- money probably handles all your responsibilities. Having a good job is obviously important for a secure, regular income but be happy with what you do. Start up some savings accounts. One you cant touch at all, a not so secure one for dipping into now and again and maybe another for when your saving for something particular.

16- How important is spirituality for you and what faith do you practice?
My mum is a born again Christan. I don't really go to church, I've had my moments of going for a couple months here and there. But I believe in God and i confide in him in my prayers.
17-What do u wish men knew about women?
We are emotionally more advanced. They should understand us more. And i guess we should understand them more too, as they're logically more advanced. Being a bit too fair here, sorry ladies :)
18-Are you involved in helping your eritrean community how or do u plan to and how?
I hope to start a charity one day where I will personally d

19-Whats the nicest compliment u've ever received?
I just got a nice one, from my friend on facebook chat.''You're like my little sister, I tell everyone that''.
20-What do u know for sure in life?
Everyone is different, with different opinions and knowledge from life experiences. Try your best to be happy and make others happy in the process.
Here's her blog:
You can follow her on twitter:
You can find her profile at these 2 model agencies:
Thank you for this very honest interview Elsabel, we wish you the very best in all aspects of your life...Thanks for reppin' for us on the runaway, on editorial pages, and on paper as a future establised journalist :)
Djaa my Eritrean sistas sont trop dedans:)
Eyeee Wayee:)