Happiness is a decision..I hear a lot of people say that ..I understood it without really living it's reality in the past:)
However 2009 , ....eureka I finally got it..!!
Finally understood that I can chose to either be a victim of everyday events that we all deal with in our own ways..or chose to focus on positive things and make myself happy..
This year ..well yeah this year for another day lol was challenging. I truly believed in a relationship and received a big slap on my face at the end (not litterally) ..u know how it goes..we've all had to deal with disappointments.. It was difficult but I got through it.:)
That experience taught me the virtues of patiente, it reinforced the belief in me that ony Allah as I call him, God for some of you is the only one in the driving seat..He'll do as he pleases . Everything passes if you let it pass, sadness, disappointments, worries..you just got believe in Him, live the season and let it go...:) I know easier said than done..trust I knowwwwwwww:(
Despite that , 2009 was a good year I've done a lot things in my hometown, got to discover beautiful places , got to hang out with awesome friends, got to attend many many cultural events, but more importantly got to get my vision in place. You know sometimes as bloggers you get tired , you get tired of searching for info, sometimes you wonder if what you do matters, there's so many blogs out there...but it does ..even if it's to one person, 2 persons..if it can teach something to someone , encourage another..then it's not in vain..but real talk sometimes I go through those periods of doubt..but you know what I love this blog.. I've met virtually or in person some fabulous and good people..some who don't hesitate to send me words of encouragement..and just for that I'm grateful.
Happiness is a decision .. Either you decide to think with negativety, remenbering all the non fab' things that happened , happen and will happen to us, or we put our trust in the hands of the Allmighthy and "we keep it going", it is what it is as Wendy wlliams used to say or "moy lolou" in wolloff.. :)
I thank that experience for making me stronger,learn to stand still as a baobap tree against the rain and the heat. I thank Allah for keeping my family and friends healthy, for keeping us not wanting for anything, except for some red velvet cake that I was craving, or some good fried and super greasy KFC chicken...mmmmm...or some jumba juice..or some good mozzeral tomatoe 'dwich.....I'm a foody ...:)
The holiday season is such a delicate time for women like me who are single, it reminds us that you don't have that one special person to celebrate it with..everyone asks you "so wuzz up yaye", "what are u waiting for" I know that they don't mean any harm and besides what else are they supposed to say..my girls just can't wait for me to share everything abt a new someone..but like I tell everone it will happen when it's supposed to happen, yes I'll have those days when I'll feel I'm so latee..most of close friends are married, have one or two children...but this is where I make the choice to either be happy where I'm at or to envy them and carry myself as a failure... Guess what I chose to be happy, to enjoy what I'm blessed with, to go out with friends, attend events , focus on my career , work out ect...basically celebrate the life I'm given until a new chapter starts:)
Happiness is truly a decision:)